26 Inspiring Teacher Tattoos with Meaning

Teaching is a sacred mission. If you are a teacher and love your job, wear your heart on the sleeve with these amazing teacher tattoos.

Teaching is a job to be proud of. Every day you go to work, you have the chance to positively influence someone. Seeing your students figure out problems by themselves or coming up with a creative idea brings a huge sense of accomplishment.

And you can never be bored as a teacher. Every student is different. So is every class. There is always new knowledge to master and new skills to acquire. And your students may also surprise you with fresh perspectives. That’s how teaching itself is inspiring.

So if you are a teacher, you have every reason to be proud of yourself. And getting teacher tattoos is one way to honor your profession. From black and grey to color tattoos, you will find ink ideas to wear your heart on the sleeve. But first, let’s talk about some dos and don’ts when getting tattoos as a teacher.

Disclaimer: This tattoo collection is for inspiration only. Please do not copy the artwork. If you love these tattoos, follow artists and show them some support.

Dos and don’ts of teachers getting tattoos

Can teachers have tattoos?

The answer depends on where you are. If you are in the US, it’s ok to wear tattoos as a teacher in most areas. But you may want to cover your tattoo in the interview or in classes.

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But in countries that are more conservative such as Japan, tattoos might be prohibited. So if you are teaching abroad, you should ask someone local before getting a tattoo.

What tattoos should teachers have?

Generally speaking, getting a discreet tattoo is a better option for teachers. The following placements give you more flexibility in showing or hiding them:

  • Finger tattoos
  • Behind-the-ear tattoos
  • Wrist tattoos
  • Ankle tattoos
  • Shoulder tattoos
  • Inner arm tattoos

Size also matters. Small tattoos are generally more appropriate for teachers than a large one, such as a full sleeve.

And there are some designs or elements you should avoid if you don’t plan to cover them every day, including:

  • Offensive words or designs
  • Tattoos related to violence
  • Sensitive designs

Inspiring teacher tattoos with meaning

Apple teacher tattoos

Apples are often seen in teacher tattoos. According to encyclopedia.com, the apple that Eve bit came from an apple tree. It was also known as the Tree of Knowledge. Thus apples are closely linked to the people who spread knowledge – the teachers.

Another theory dates back to the 1700s, when teachers were not paid by the government. Instead, families that didn’t have money to pay the teachers gave apples to them in return. That’s why the saying goes, a good teacher deserves an apple.

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And Apple makes great tattoo ideas for teachers. On the one hand, they are small. You can fit them on almost anywhere on the body. On the other hand, if you want a colored tattoo, the redness of an apple will make the ink pop.

Apple and arrow tattoo by @second.pin


Apple in half tattoo by @velco.tattoo


Apple teacher tattoo by @jooa_tattoo


Black and grey apple tattoo by @sonia.pinkdust


Cute apple shoulder tattoo by @zvee.tt


Teacher tattoos with globe

Globe tattoos don’t just belong to geography but all teachers as well. Students are like blank canvas. It’s the teachers that fill them with colors and take them to see the world.

And globe tattoos are perfect reminders of the mission ahead for all educators – to show and lead the way. So when the students leave the school, they have the knowledge and expertise they need to navigate the world.

Globe wrist tattoo for teachers by @bjoern_holtappels


Globe and arrow tattoo by @nancydestroyer


Teacher tattoos with owl

Owls are a symbol of wisdom and knowledge. With big eyes and alertness on their face, they seem more intelligent than most animals. And they are also a symbol of the Greek goddess Athena, the goddess of wisdom.

That’s where the phrase “as wise as an owl” comes from. And these owl tattoos are perfect for knowledgeable teachers who are willing to share what they know with the students.

Books and owl teacher tattoo by @inkingculture


Geometric owl teacher tattoo by @laurenfeskou


Owl tattoo for teacher by @marlenelecidre


Books tattoos for teachers

Books symbolize knowledge, wisdom, and education. And they are part of the lives of teachers and students. These book tattoos inspire us to appreciate the power of knowledge.

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If you are a teacher or a bookworm, they might be perfect for your next ink.

Books teacher tattoo by @studiobysol


Power of knowledge tattoo by @singleorchid_studio


Books and geography teacher tattoo by @olcm__mario


Books tattoo for teacher by @jenntacotattoos


Book tattoo for teacher by @chloemickham


Teacher tattoos with lightbulbs

Lightbulbs represent ideas and creativity, and they are often seen in teacher tattoos for a reason.

The purpose of teaching is to inspire students. With patience, encouragement, and teaching skills, good teachers can help students develop their own points of view.

And that’s why lightbulbs are like a symbol of education. They show how many positive changes teachers can bring to their students.

Blooming lightbulb teacher tattoo by @tattooeunb


Lightbulb teacher tattoo by @j.laakkonentattoo


Alphabet tattoos for English teachers

There is nothing more basic than an alphabet. It marks the start of education. That’s why an alphabet tattoo is a perfect reminder to never forget why you started.

Alphabet tattoo for teacher by @honma_tat


Math tattoo on the arm

Math teacher tattoo by @bora_tattooer


Ruler tattoo on the wrist

Ruler tattoo on the wrist by @arielisgood


Question market behind-the-ear tattoo

Question market behind the ear tattoo by @patriciapoli


Read also: 28 Dainty small behind-the-ear tattoos with meaning

Girly chemistry tattoo on the forearm

Beautiful flower chemistry tattoo by @mimilinism


Small wrist tattoos for chemistry teachers

Small chemistry symbol tattoos on the wrist by @naleak_tattoo


Math equation tattoo on the ankle

Teacher tattoo by @inkbymimi


The Fibonacci spiral nape tattoo

The Fibonacci spiral tattoo by @red_head_tattoo


Pen tattoo on the shoulder

Writing pen tattoo on the shoulder by @relyontattoo


Which of these teacher tattoos is your favorite?

Oppositely do you have a tattoo that represents your profession? Share in the comment!

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